Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Awesome quote

Monday, March 30, 2009
Somehow during my last cut my stylist was so caught up in being behind he didn't really pay attention to what I said. I asked for my hair to be layered all around and lots of texturizing. I also said that I wear it full and either curled or tosseled but never straight or smooth. I have tons of hair but it's fine so any excess weight will make it flat. I also explained that I blow dry and use an iron on it, what products I use. How could he go wrong?
Well the cut was not all that horrible but it wasn't fantastic either. I do believe in giving 2nd chances. I mean come on he didn't hack it up it just wasn't cut properly for me. So I go back for another try.
How do people that are not professionally trained in hair cope with the indifference, superiority and lack of listening skills?
He didn't do any better on the 2nd cut so I won't be going back. I did give him a chance to get it right and explained in more detail. Maybe that's where I am going wrong. I should just shut up and put up while I defer to his superiority.
I will continue on this journey of discovering what most people are up against. It may inspire me to pick up my scissors again.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
It's been a long week!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
We have been waiting for ATT to decide what they are going to do. They announced awhile back some layoffs and the gov’t requested that they don’t lay off as many as planned. Well fortunately my husband is NOT getting laid off but transferred instead. To Memphis!
Now is Memphis as pretty as Chattanooga? Does it have the same laid back atmosphere? Is it clean? I have lots of questions.
But hey I’m gonna roll with it. After all what choice do I have right now?
So I need to ready my house (that I just bought in 7/08) to put on the market. Look for a new house while I am still here. Find someplace for my hubby to live there until we get a house. More than likely his job will start a week from Monday. How do you find a place to live in that amount of time? Fortunately again ATT will help with the move so all is not lost.
Did I mention ATT is laying off 12000 employees only to turn around and hire (vs offering to lay offs) 3000 cell sales employees?
I’ve got lots to do so if I don’t appear to be on it’s because of this......